Welcome To Our Blog
Dear friends and high vibrational lovers! We are a New York based company and an international online product web shop focusing on bringing high vibrational products to homes around the globe. Refanala LLC has been founded by a group of enthusiasts with a mission of improving people’s wellbeing by providing high vibrant solutions for not only themselves but also their living/working environment. Our vision is to bring Refanala’s high vibrational solutions to every home around the globe. The concern of today's living where our bodies are under siege of toxins and chemicals that we are all exposed to in our daily life, food, homes and cities, brought to us a goal through which we have gathered experts to help us negate those [...]
Frequency Wellness Retreat on the Adriatic – Croatia July 7-14 2018
High Frequency Body, Mind and Spirit Retreat in Croatia Ease and rejuvenate your body, mind and soul! 7 days of bliss! Frequency WELLNESS RETREAT on the Adriatic Novi Spa Hotels & Resorts, Novi Vinodolski, Croatia July, 7-14 2018 Starting from 1,800-$ Join us for 7 days in a beautiful resort town [...]
Understanding Frequency Healing
How Does Frequency Healing Work? Science and technology have come quite far along. Thanks to continuous developments, we now have access to luxuries like never before. In terms of healing, science and technology have played a significant role. There are cures available that were not before; adding to the quality of life. [...]
Orgonite Pendants
Orgonite Pendants: Why you need to have them? Everything around us is made up of some energy. No matter which objects you are trying to observe, they will definitely contain some form of energy. Take an example of a computer in front of you. Although it will be 100% solid but it [...]
Frequency Healing
Frequency Healing – How can it benefit you? Frequency healing is a way to heal and recover using the power of frequencies. It is a way to heal both mentally and physically and there are a range of methods that this can be accomplished. There are a lot of different vibrations that [...]
PEMF therapy
PEMF therapy - Welcome to the future of energy healing! I was recently introduced to the Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field therapy (hereinafter: PEMF). Personally, I was quite skeptical about this type of therapy, but the experience quickly changed my view. The first time PEMF showed some positive outcomes, was in the mid [...]
Continuing the Tour @ the New Life Expo FLORIDA
ReFaNaLa LLC is continuing the tour around the United States by expanding and spreading the high vibrational frequencies. In that spirit, here are just a few updates from our recent expo that was held in West Palm Beach, Florida at the Hilton Palm Beach Convention Center. This expo was a Spring continuation [...]
Discovering the Mandalas
Mandalas have always been a part of my life; especially since they have strong positive aspects on my well being, help me meditate and focus my thoughts and energy on things that matter. Mandala actually means “sacred life” in Sanskrit, and has both a spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism and [...]
REFANALA @New Life Expo – America’s largest body, mind and spirit Expo
The New Life Expo was held in The New Yorker Wyndham Hotel, a superb location in Midtown West, from March 17-19 2017, part of which was also the first official public launch of ReFaNaLa LLC – Highly Vibrant Living Solutions. As many of you already know, REFANALA LLC is dedicated to rising [...]